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A drawn image of Fredrik Bergqvist in a blue shirt

Minified React error in production with Vite.js

Fredrik Bergqvist

At work I inherited a really old website running on React.

The code was good but by old I mean really old; last commit was 3 years ago and most of the code was 5-6 years old…

So I converted it to TypeScript and ripped out the old babel/webpack build system and installed Vite to handle all the builds.

Everything went pretty smoothly and I got the site up and running with no errors in development mode.

When going to production is when things went sideways. Some pages crashed with the following error:

error: Minified React error #130; visit[]=object&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
at vc (vendor.93c27df6.js:23)
at d (vendor.93c27df6.js:23)
at vendor.93c27df6.js:23
at vendor.93c27df6.js:23
at Ts (vendor.93c27df6.js:23)
at ul (vendor.93c27df6.js:23)
at ic (vendor.93c27df6.js:23)
at tc (vendor.93c27df6.js:23)
at ql (vendor.93c27df6.js:23)
at zl (vendor.93c27df6.js:23)

Some quick googling led me to a GitHub issue showing me that I was not alone with this bug.

Package problem number one

It seems that esbuild is checking for __esModule at runtime and rollup (which is used internally in Vite) is not.

So it will happen to any library that has an entry point with: module.exports = require("./module");

Since a file exported this way does not include the ‘magic string’ __esModule as checked by generate-exports.js it’s not converted correctly.

In my case I had two libraries acting up; react-datetime which was imported locally like this: import DateTime from "react-datetime"; which worked fine in Vite dev but not production.

Props to ntkoopman for the explanation.


User Haikyuu suggested using the following solution which is what I used in the end.

import DT from "react-datetime";
// @ts-ignore
const DateTime = DT.default ? DT.default : DT;

Package problem number two

The second package with this issue was react-dropzone which in turn used the real culprit; attr-accept

Since the project used an old version (4.x.x, latest version is at the time of writing 14.x.x) and I got other issues upgrading to the latest version I could rule out a PR from me fixing it.

Solution number two

Instead I used patch-package and postinstall to create a patch-file with the fix.

import accepts from 'attr-accept';

import A from "attr-accept";
const accepts = A.default ? A.default : A;

I hope this can help if someone is stuck, and I hope it will be fixed soon because it is kind of a blocker for using Vite.js in production.

This site is built with Eleventy and hosted on Vercel.

Icons are from Flaticon.

Web components from Nidhugg Web components

Performance stats can be found here: Speedlify